
Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is located in the coral triangle of marine biodiversity with the highest diversity of tropical fish and coral in the world.PNG occupies the eastern portion of the island of New Guinea, the second largest island in the world. Situated directly north of Australia, it consists of a mainland with some 600 islands, of which New Britain, New Ireland and Bougainville are the largest.PNG is recognized internationally as one of the best dive locations in the world with twice as many marine species as the waters of the Red Sea and up to ten times as many as the Caribbean. It has become known as an underwater photographers' paradise' with many international award-winning photos being taken in PNG waters.The country is surrounded by the Bismarck, Coral and Solomon seas whose constant movements feed and enrich the marine environment. With 17,000 km of coastline and 45,000 sq kms of reef systems, divers can enjoy minimal contact with other dive groups. The immense diversity of sites include barrier reefs, coral walls, coral gardens, patch reefs, fringing reefs, sea grass beds, coral atolls and wrecks.Diving is possible all year round, the optimal season generally being from mid-April to mid-June and mid-September to mid-December. Water temperature ranges from 26°C along the edge of the Coral Sea and up to 31°C in the Bismarck Sea, with visibility from 50 to 150 feet.

Papua New Guinea on the map

Our Papua New Guinea Travel Regions

Fathers Reefs

Witu Islands

Hela Province

Western Province

Kimbe Bay

East Sepik Province

New Ireland


Western Highlands



Oro Province