Kirsten Treais


Scuba diving with friendly sharks, horseback riding through the rainforest, venturing out in a jeep surrounded by jungle animals or out in the African bush … ahhh, these are just a few of my favorite things! Owning an adventure travel company where I can do what I love is pretty amazing. I love planning trips for clients; it's what I do best.

Born in Singapore, raised in Kuwait and schooled in England, I was intrigued at an early age by the natural beauty and cultural differences in the world. I didn’t want to just observe them, I wanted to get up close and experience the people, wildlife and exciting surroundings that make each part of the world unique.

After finishing school, I had my eyes set on adventures and seeing more of the world, so I backpacked for 2 ½ years through Australia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific. My hunger to not just see, but to “do” exciting things in far-off places continues and I get great joy in sharing those places with friends, family and clients. Even after 50+ years of extensive travel, I still find new spots that make my heart flutter.