Sand Rivers

Sand Rivers is situated in the Nyerere National Park (formerly the Selous Game Reserve) which is the second largest protected wilderness area in the world. Sand Rivers offers stylish, luxurious safari accommodation on the banks of the Rufiji River. This comfortable and stylish lodge features an outdoor pool, an open-air dining room, bar and lounge which have been beautifully constructed on a sweeping curve of the great Rufiji River, offering stunning views across the water. Sand Rivers Selous has just 8 stone and thatched cottages, all are open-fronted and raised on decks overlooking the river. (Nomad)

8 spacious open-fronted cottages raised on high concrete platforms.

There are 5 Standard Riverside rooms and 3 Hillside Suites. All have en-suite bathrooms, with flush toilets, powerful showers and hot and cold running water. The 3 Hillside Suites have an additional lounge area and private plunge pool. All rooms have overhead ceiling fans over the bed and epic views out over the river. 

Activities at River Sands are tailored to suit each guest, whether its game drives, walking safaris, fishing or boating. Sand rivers can also organise fly camping under mosquito nets on dry river beds with in the reserve.

Game Drives
Days at Sand Rivers are about exploring - we use cars, boats and our own feet to access the hidden gems that define this exceptional part of the Selous.  At Sand Rivers our open-sided 4x4 vehicles are a great way of seeing things.  For covering a bit of distance when that's what's needed.  And of course there are times when they give you the best views, access and photographic opportunities. 

But we like to retain spontaneity wherever we can.  Often the best way to see things, to avoid scattering animals from the lakeshore, or spooking a herd of elephant as they feed their way through a stretch of lush grassland, is to hop down and quietly work our way into a good position on foot. 

And the same goes for our boats.  Just being on the river - never mind the game - is a fantastic contrast to time spent in a vehicle.  Drifting silently downstream, gently spiraling in the current, watching the river banks unfold is hard to beat.   Vast flocks of great white pelicans fishing in dwindling pools, wallowing families of elephant socialising, prides of lion sleeping off a meal.

And sometimes the best way to see game is to let it come to you.  Breakfast on a sand bank in Stigler's Gorge watching elusive monkey-hunting crowned eagles, and listening to shrill cries of Hyraxes as you dangle a hook in the water.  Or lunch in the deep shade of palm trees, watching the comings and goings on at the lakeshore: half watching, half reading a book and perhaps even dozing off. 

All in all, days at Sand Rivers aren't about box ticking, or endless driving in search of the next animal.  It's a sense of gradual absorption in this corner of the natural world that we'd love you to feel.

Flycamping is a wonderful surprise, best left unexplained. If you ask us it's simple, you have to try it. 

Since Richard Bonham first came this way on his walking safaris in the 80's, to us the Nyerere National Park (formerly the Selous Game Reserve) has always been synonymous with being on foot.  But it's never about distance, or "hiking." Time on foot is an opportunity to engage your senses and this is something you'll quickly pick up on as we leave camp - accompanied by an armed ranger - in the cool of the early morning or late afternoon.

The best walks are those where you travel at a gentle pace and probably don't cover much distance - a few kilometres in an hour - stopping often to listen and look.  And when you do arrive in the softening evening light, there can be few things as exciting and plain different from every day "modern life" as our flycamp.

Try your hand at shore fishing from the river bank - quite a challenge but fun.

For more information on Sand Rivers Selous click HERE

For a video of Sand Rivers Selous click HERE or HERE

Special Dates
Remote Rufiji Riverbank
25% off your Full Safari
* Valid off your trip of 5 nights minimum and at least 3 nights here.


