Baja Ocean Safari

Baja Ocean Safari! - 10 nights / 11 days

The oceans of Baja California Sur are some of the richest on earth and play host to an incredible array of marine life. The Sea of Cortez alone is home to 39% of the world’s total number of marine mammal species, accounts for a third of the world’s marine cetacean species, and has 891 fish species. Highlights of this epic Baja Ocean Safari include:

* Checking out blue whales, the largest animal ever to inhabit the earth

* Swimming with whale sharks, the largest fish in the sea

* Interacting with gray whales, the most gregarious of cetaceans who love to connect with humans

* Swimming with sea lions, some of the most playful sea mammals on earth

* Snorkeling with sharks - Blues, Makos, Silkys - some of the most sensitive, curious and misunderstood of pelagic species

And there is so much more! Sea turtles, dolphins, mobula rays, as well as coastal birds like Blue-footed Boobies and Magnificent Frigatebirds
NOTE: This trip is only offered Feb 1-Mar 10 as that is the only window we have for all the species together. We do not have set departures so this is run only by request with a minimum of 4 people. 


Day 1: Loreto

Welcome to Baja California Sur! 

Today you'll arrive at the airport in Loreto where you'll be met by your guides and transferred to your lovely hotel. We'll have a stroll along the malecon in the afternoon, then a welcome dinner during which your guides will host a trip briefing, outlining the adventures to come. 

Day 2: Loreto

Blue Whale Triangle - Visit with the Blue Whales

Imagine a fellow mammal with a body so magnificent, so enormous, so dominant that it takes a heart the size of a Mini Cooper to power it. Imagine a fellow creature with a voice so commanding, so forceful, so potent that it can be heard up to 1,000 miles away. Imagine the bone structure of a fellow vertebrate so long an NBA basketball court can’t hold it, that weighs so much 8 DC-9 aircrafts can’t lift it, and that is so loud it drowns out the noise of a jet engine. Imagine arteries so large that an adult human can swim through them; imagine a heart beat so powerful it can be heard two miles away; imagine a tongue as large as an elephant!

If you can do all that then you’re able to conceive of the largest animal ever to inhabit the earth, the blue whale. And that is exactly who we will be going out to find in the "Blue Whale Triangle" off the coast of Loreto today.

In the afternoon we can enjoy a walking tour of Loreto's historic district. Loreto is the home of the first mission established by Jesuit missionaries in 1697 when they finally received permission from Spain to establish a theocracy on the Baja peninsula., and this afternoon we'll visit that mission, Nuestra Señora de Loreto. We'll learn the history of Jesuit rule in Baja until they were forcibly expelled by Spain in 1768. Dinner in town. 

Day 3: Magdalena Bay (Bahia Magdalena) Whale Watching Adventure

Magdalena Bay is the largest wetlands ecosystem on the west coast of Baja and one of the most important in North America. The World Wildlife Fund ranks it as one of the most important coastal habitats in Mexico. The Bay is the prime calving ground for the gray whale, and January to March it is possible to see – and often touch - a large number of whales, including mothers and calves. Magdalena Bay also has mangrove forests, barrier beaches and sand dune islands, all of which contribute to the incredible scenery and biological diversity of the area. 

This morning we'll transfer to Magdalena Bay on the Pacific side of the peninsula, have lunch, then head out onto the water for 3 hours of interacting with the amazing gray whale mothers, babies, young couples and sporting males. For birders, please note that the lagoons of Magdalena Bay are also a powerful magnet for a vast array of coastal birds, and you may be able to add to your bird species list as well.  Overnight and dinner at a simple local hotel. 

Day 4: Magdalena Bay

Gray Whale Encounters

Things that often happen to us during our stay in Magdalena Bay:

Gray whale mothers bring their babies right up to the boat to say hello

Gray whale babies present themselves for a good rub or a pat

Gray whale males sidle along the boat and spout water on us – they clearly   think it´s very funny

Gray whales of all types bring their huge heads out of the water and look us straight in the eye

And that´s just to give you an idea! The connections possible with our fellow mammals in the lagoons of Magdalena Bay are absolutely joyous and should be at the top of any bucket list you may be creating. Today we'll have 3 more hours out on the water with the gray whales then we'll head to La Paz with a celebratory lunch stop along the way. 

Day 5: La Paz

Whale Sharks! Sand Boarding Option

Today we'll head for one of the most amazing experiences yet - swimming with the largest fish in the world - the whale shark! Of course, you may be asking yourself: is it a whale or is it a shark? Hint: whales are mammals and sharks are fish. And at up to 59 feet and 15 tons, whale sharks are definitely a whale of a shark! And while your mother probably told you to stay away from sharks, these gentle giants are only interested in plankton – all human flesh is safe! These gentle giants feed on plankton in the Bay of La Paz (so all human flesh is safe), and it is here that we have the remarkable experience of observing and swimming with them.

After lunch by the seaside, we'll have the afternoon free to explore the town and maybe do some birding as well. For those who are feeling more active we can add in a sunset sand boarding adventure! Dinner at a great local restaurant. 

Days 6-8: Sea of Cortez and Camp Cecil Adventure!

We're off to Isla Espiritu Santo and Camp Cecil today! After breakfast we'll head  to our bodega in La Paz to get snorkeling gear and wet suits, then it's on to the boats and out into the Sea of Cortez!

Camp Cecil is on Isla Espiritu Santo which is in a National Marine Park, part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is one of the best marine life viewing destinations in the world. Whales, dolphins, whale sharks, sea turtles, manta rays and plenty of beautiful tropical fish call the surrounding waters home, while a terrific range of bird species including Blue-footed Boobies, Reddish Egrets, Great Blue Herons and Yellow-footed Gulls frequent the island’s skies and shores. The island itself is stunning, with magnificent towering cliffs, spectacular sandy bays, amazing lava rock formations, and rock art left by the now-extinct Guaycura and Pericu Indians. There’s even an endemic ring-tailed cat, the babisuri. It’s a remarkable place to explore. We’ll spend the days doing exactly what pleases us - kayaking, snorkeling, hiking, swimming with sea lions, stand up paddle boarding, bird watching, and exploring hidden lagoons and desert beaches. 

Day 9: Todos Santos

Transfer to Todos Santos / Birding (possible whale sightings) / Private Dinner

Today we'll return from the island around mid-morning and make our way back to Todos Santos with a lunch stop along the way. In the afternoon we'll do some birding around our hotel, Los Colibris Casitas, at the palm oasis and freshwater lagoon. Todos Santos´ unique tropical setting between desert and ocean means it has a fantastic array of birds, and over 150 species have been spotted in the area. Baja California Sur is more of a birding paradise than most people realize. Over 430 bird species have been spotted in the state, and it is home to six endemic species as well.  We also often see lots of whales from Los Colibris!  This evening we'll enjoy a private, chef-prepared dinner on the grounds of Los Colibris.

Day 10: Todos Santos

Pelagic Shark Encounter! Mexican Cooking Class

The southern coast of Baja is one of the best places in the world for pelagic shark encounters and today we will join with our colleagues at Latitude Expeditions and head to the nutrient-rich waters where the Sea of Cortez merges with the Pacific Ocean to create great conditions for many species of pelagic sharks. Mako Sharks, Blue Sharks, Silky Sharks, and Smooth Hammerheads visit our waters throughout the year. The colder water brings Makos and Blue Sharks, and as the water gets warmer the Hammerheads and Silkies show up. 

Being in the open ocean with sharks is an unforgettable, life-changing experience. Sharks have an unfortunate reputation, but they are in reality very sensitive animals and are just as curious about us as we are of them. The whole activity takes place on the surface, where we safely interact with some of the world’s most fascinating creatures. You will always be in the water with an experienced shark guide from Latitude Encounters, and they will provide a detailed briefing before entering the water and will be there, close by, to guide you and maintain control.

This evening we'll celebrate our fabulous Baja Ocean Safari with a Mexican Cooking Class/farewell dance party. Local lawyer turned chef Iker Algorri, author of Cooking Adventures in Baja California Sur leads the class. The emphasis is on having as much fun as humanly possible, learning to make the perfect margarita, and gaining the skill to make some truly memorable Mexican dishes following Chef Iker’s cooking philosophy, the Magnificence of Simplicity. You’ll also probably learn about some great Latin music you’ve never heard before. But be warned – dancing often known to follow!

Day 11: Onward travels

Say adios but not good-bye. Transfer to the airport. 
* Contact us for availability, rates and booking. (kusini)